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WELCOME TO OUR WEB SITE | In All Your Troubles And Agonies Be Patient And Trust In The Goodness of ALLAH Who Alone Can Relieve You And Give Real Happiness And Peace. AL-QURAN. | WE ARE PROCESSOR & EXPORTER WHOLESALER OF SEA & FRESH WATER FISHES | SAFE & FRESH FOODS LTD.

Fresh Hilsa Fish in Competitive Prices

eat safe & live fresh

In order to have better and quality Hilsa Fish the Safe & Fresh Foods Limited has taken initiative to sell Hilsa Fish to all a competitive prices.
If anyone interested to buy the Hilsa Fish as per the following chart are requested to communicate with the following coordinators on or before 8th April 2013 (Monday).
We are Processors, Exporters and Wholesaler of Frozen Fish. Our all Sea fishes are Formalin Free and Live Fresh. Our Sea Fish Products are Nurani Hilsa, Bata (Mullet), Red Seabream, Groupers, Snappers, Croakers, Catfish etc. Our Quality is good and standard. Our Customers are Dedicated and Maintaining Long Term Relationship.

Dear Customer Can Contact With us:
Cell: +8801765666402, +8801963310644
Dhaka, Bangladesh

ইলিশের দামে বৈশাখের উত্তাপ !!!

বৈশাখ আসতেই ইলিশ মাছের দামে এখন থেকেই শুরু হয়েছে বৈশাখী উত্তাপ। আকারভেদে একেকটি ইলিশের দাম বেড়েছে ৫০ থেকে ৫০০ টাকা পর্যন্ত। বাজারভেদেও ইলিশের দামে হেরফের আছে। রাজধানীর বেশ কয়েকটি বাজার ঘুরে ইলিশের দামের ঊর্ধ্বগতি সবচেয়ে বেশি চোখে পড়েছে।

কারওয়ান বাজারে সবচেয়ে ছোট আকারের ইলিশের প্রতিটির দাম ছিল ১৫০ টাকা। সবচেয়ে বড় আকারের প্রতিটি ইলিশের দাম ছিল দুই হাজার টাকা পর্যন্ত। একাধিক বিক্রেতা জানালেন, ছোট আকারের প্রতিটি ইলিশ সপ্তাহ খানেক আগেও ১০০ টাকায় বিক্রি হয়েছে, বড়গুলোর দাম ছিল এক হাজার ৫০০ টাকার মধ্যে।
হঠাৎ করে ইলিশের দাম এত বাড়ার কারণ জানতে চাইলে বিক্রেতারা জানান বৈশাখের আগমনের কথা। পয়লা বৈশাখে পান্তা-ইলিশ খাওয়ার জন্য ইলিশের চাহিদা বাড়ে। রাজধানীর বিভিন্ন কাঁচাবাজারের মাছ বিক্রেতাদের বৈশাখের এই চাহিদার কথাও জানা। এ কারণেই বৈশাখ সামনে রেখে বেড়ে যায় রুপালি এই মাছের দাম। অর্থ সাশ্রয়ের কথা মাথায় রেখে যাঁরা আগেভাগে ইলিশ কিনতে যাচ্ছেন, তাঁরা খুব একটা সফল হচ্ছেন না। বাড়তি দাম তাঁদেরও গুনতে হচ্ছে।

Dear Customer Can Contact With us:
Cell: +8801765666402, +8801963310644
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Commercial Announcement Poster

eat safe & live fresh
We are Processors, Exporters and Wholesaler of Frozen Fish. Our all Sea fishes are Formalin Free and Live Fresh. Our Sea Fish Products are Nurani Hilsa, Bata (Mullet), Red Seabream, Groupers, Snappers, Croakers, Catfish etc. Our Quality is Good and Standard. Our Customers are Dedicated and Maintaining Long Term Relationship.
Dear Customer Can Contact With us:
Cell: +8801765666402, +8801963310644
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Our Cold Store Rental Service

We are delighted to inform you that our company Safe & Fresh Foods Ltd. has established a comprehensive Cold Store operation in Dhaka which is the first of many more cold storages to come. Our company has been particular in building a state of the art cold storage equipped with Processing Floor, Blast Freezers (2), Round the Clock Flake Ice Plant; Contact Plate Freezers and a combined capacity of 1,200 tons Cold Room capacity.
Our aim is to facilitate the storing of perishable products like fish, meat, and other prepared and semi-prepared food. We have also insured round the clock supervision and aim to maintain a constant temperature ranging from Ambient to -250 C. We have installed PU panels for our Cold Room insulation to minimize heat loss and to preserve the quality of the stored products. Our main vision is to ensure and retain the quality of the stored products so that people can consume fresh products and also derive plentiful nutrition.
Our facility has round the clock temperature monitoring and full back up power generation in case of frequent Blackouts. The management has also ensured 24 hours store offices to give round the clock Goods Receive and Delivery service to our clients.
Our plant is ready for Storing items and thus we request you to visit our storage area. Rent Chart attached.
Your early confirmation in this regard will allow us to serve you at the earliest. Our mission is to be your complete ‘Cold Chain Partner’.
Yours Sincerely,
Tahseen Ahmed Khan
Dear Customer Can Contact With us:
Cell: +8801765666402, +8801963310644
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tasty Sea Cat Fish Price Tk. 145 Per Kg

Tk. 145.00 Per Kg
eat safe & live fresh

We are Processors, Exporters and Wholesaler of Frozen Fish. Our all Sea fishes are Formalin Free and Live Fresh. Our Sea Fish Products are Nurani Hilsa, Bata (Mullet), Red Seabream, Groupers, Snappers, Croakers, Catfish etc. Our Quality is Good and Standard. Our Customers are Dedicated and Maintaining Long Term Relationship.
Dear Customer Can Contact With us:
Cell: +8801765666402, +8801963310644
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tasty Sea Fish Nurani Hilsa Price Tk. 135 Per Kg

Tk. 135.00 Per Kg
eat safe & live fresh

We are Processors, Exporters and Wholesaler of Frozen Fish. Our all Sea fishes are Formalin Free and Live Fresh. Our Sea Fish Products are Nurani Hilsa, Bata (Mullet), Red Seabream, Groupers, Snappers, Croakers, Catfish etc. Our Quality is Good and Standard. Our Customers are Dedicated and Maintaining Long Term Relationship.
Dear Customer Can Contact With us:
Cell: +8801765666402, +8801963310644
Dhaka, Bangladesh
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